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Entrevistas a Lu.

17 participantes

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  pikoo Miér 25 Mar 2009 - 21:29

muchas gracias julia !

me encanta Laurel saltar
Cuídame que soy novata
Cuídame que soy novata

Cantidad de envíos : 30
Edad : 30
Localización : Valladolid
Personajes favoritos : Bette, Tina y Helena
Fecha de inscripción : 17/02/2009

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  julia Jue 26 Mar 2009 - 12:07

2ª parte

2ª parte

Durante el Q&A mencionaste la escena de la playa cuando Tina estaba con Kate y llama a Bette. Ya te he hecho antes esta pregunta sobre lo que ella dijo.

LH: era bastante obvio lo que dijo.

Exactamente, pero cortaron la escena cuando besaste a Kate, ¿por qué crees que la cortaron?. Por supuesto, tenemos nuestras propias ideas sobre el motivo, pero ¿por qué crees tu que cortaron el beso?

LH: No lo sé, yo no lo edité. Era el episodio de Ilene, y ella editó esto. Creo, personalmente, que sé por qué fue eliminado, pero no lo quiero decir.

Bien, estaba pensando que era correcto después de lo que Tina dijo, ya sabes: “Quiero que vuelvas, no tengo miedo a ponerme en ridículo”. Y de repente besa a Kate, parecería que eso rebaja un poco lo que había dicho a Bette.

LH: Creo que eso es una actuación muy adulta. Su antigua novia está en una relación muy fuerte, y Tina la ayuda a reconciliarse con su nuevo amor, y todo lo que ocurre en la playa se queda en la playa. No creo que Tina tenga que ser una santa en ese momento porque, si lo piensas bien, ella ha estado fuera de esa relación durante un año o 10 meses. Ha pasado mucho tiempo y comparten una hija. Ya no está con Henry y está sola. Pero creo que si se liara con Kate en la playa no significaría dejarse llevar por sus sentimientos, sólo significa que Tina es una persona sexual (se ríe). Esta escena podría haber acabado en un beso. Creo que se tenía la intención de que fuera ambigua, de que cada uno lo interprete de la manera que quiera. Van a la playa y tienen un sexo genial o quizás no pasa nada. Creo que esta escena Annabella la interpreta de forma que no está segura de Tina en aquel momento y creo que les va a afectar lo que les pasa.

Yo también pienso que fue interpretado muy bien y cuando Tina hablaba con Bette, lo que pienso es ¿estaba Kate pensando?

LH: Si, pensaba que estaba fuera de aquello. Si, creo que Kate pensaba que Tina no estaba por ella.

Ok, bien, ya conoces la palabra tibetter, ¿verdad?. La gente que quiere que Bette y Tina sean una pareja, Tibette, y esta pareja tiene una enorme, enorme cantidad de fieles seguidores. Ha habido encuestas en diferentes sitios webs y esta pareja siempre es la favorita. ¿Por qué piensas que Bette y Tina tienen tantos fans y una base de admiradoras tan grande?

LH: Pienso que esto comenzó en el piloto y creo que había una química eléctrica entre nosotras dos. Pienso que, como actrices, luchamos muy duro en los cinco siguientes años para intentar decir la verdad e intentamos contar las historias de la vida de estas dos mujeres. Creo, finalmente, que ellas tienen todo el potencial para ser una pareja maravillosa, quieren muchas cosas realmente profundas en sus vidas y quieren un cierto estilo de vida muy atractivo. Pienso que hay algo en ellas que es muy atractivo.

Al principio, cuando comencé a ver la serie, alquilé el piloto y pensé, lo veré y si no me gusta, lo devuelvo. Y vi la primera escena, Bette y Tina durmiendo en la cama, nada más, y me gustó, he aquí, esta es mi pareja favorita (Laurel se ríe de mi confesión y está de acuerdo conmigo). No sé por qué, pero hasta allí sentí la química. Esto fue grande y creo que esto es lo que la gente sigue viendo, incluso cuando te peleas, siempre hay algo allí. Es por eso que hay tanta gente que no acepta a Bette y Jodi, porque no tienen ninguna química. Cuando se ríen y bromean, como amigas, puedo verlas. Puedo verlas como amigas, pero no puedo verlas como amantes en absoluto.
LH: De acuerdo, si.

Mucha gente está de acuerdo conmigo, incluso la gente que odia a Tina… lo siento, pero hay gente que la odia.

LH: Si, cuando tienes un personaje en una serie de lesbianas que se enamora de un tipo, no hay manera de salir de esto.

Bueno, también hay fans que odian a Bette o a otros personajes.

LH: Creo que hay mucha gente que se identifica con alguien y eso depende de cómo sea tu vida. Me he encontrado con hombres gay en su vida real que me han dicho “Soy como Tina, y mi novio como Bette. El lo controla todo, y ya sabes, bla bla bla bla”. Pienso que la gente se identifica con ciertos aspectos, o ciertos roles que se ven. Una cosa buena que ha hecho Ilene es que ella tira por la ventana esos roles, y esas mujeres cambian, crecen, y si terminan juntas, nunca acabarán siendo la pareja que eran.

¿Si o cuando?

LH: Si terminan juntas no acabarán como antes. Tina se está aclarando. Ha madurado tarde y está en una buena situación. No pienso que estuviera antes en una situación mala pero si que creo que estaba todavía en una especie de fase de crecimiento de chica a mujer al principio cuando estaba con Bette. Había unos temas de control por los que Tina debería haberse enfrentado a Bette, pero no lo hizo. Y algunas cuestiones de identidad que, ya sabes, pasa muchas veces. No creo que vuelva a ser la misma persona.

Si, se puede ver como ha mejorado desde la temporada 1 a la 4.

LH: Para mi interpretarla en la temporada 1 fue lo más difícil, porque nunca perdería mi identidad por culpa de nadie. Esa no es mi personalidad. Era muy incómodo interpretarla, como en algunas escenas de terapia de grupo.

Ah, lo sé. Algunas de ellas hasta no las podía mirar.

LH: Tuve momentos duros cuando interpretaba a una esposa subordinada. No está en mi naturaleza.

Cuando dije que muchos fans odian a Tina, esto tiene dos vertientes. Por una parte significa que tu carácter inspira muchas emociones. No son indiferentes, diciendo que no les interesa Tina. Dicen que la odian debido a esto o que les gusta debido a esto otro. Para mi, en realidad, significa que haces una gran interpretación.

LH: Nunca he sido una actriz que siente la necesidad de gustar, así que estoy de acuerdo con eso (se ríe).

Bien, la segunda parte, como dije, hasta a aquellos fans a quines no les gusta Tina preferirían ver a Bette con Tina antes que con Jodi, debido a la química debido a la química que hay entre ellas.

LH: Sí.

Tu probablemente has hablado sobre esto antes, pero es que hay 6 meses entre temporadas.

LH: Siempre van a haber 6 meses entre cada temporada. Tienen que escribirlas, no las sacan del sombrero. Primero hacen un descanso, así que todo el mundo se toma su tiempo libre. Y en los tres meses de descanso ellos editan. Necesitan tres meses después de que terminamos desde Octubre hasta que sale al aire el primer episodio. Cuando regreso, que es uno de los motivos que tengo para volver porque corrigen el sonido del último episodio. Técnicamente, aún estamos trabajando, al menos en el sonido, y realmente ellos no acaban hasta que salimos al aire en Enero.

Hablé con Ilene y le dije que el show es todavía bastante fuerte y ella espera que haya temporada 6.

LH: Si, esto todavía tiene fuerza. Será así este año o el siguiente. No creo que vaya más.

¿Crees que sólo durará hasta la temporada 6?

LH: esa sería la última.

¿De verdad? Deseo que esto continúe siempre.

Sólo es mi apuesta (se ríe) pero quien sabe. Nunca digas nunca.


Cantidad de envíos : 1606
Personajes favoritos : Bette
Fecha de inscripción : 27/02/2008

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  masay Jue 26 Mar 2009 - 14:42

Pues a pesar de lo que dice mucha gente me parece Laurel Holloman muy sensata en todo lo que dice y me gusta como persona y como actriz. Creo que ha sido una de las que siempre han estado dando todo aunque muchas veces le han quitado cosas. Que guay. nod
Entérate, ya soy una usuaria conocida
Entérate, ya soy una usuaria conocida

Cantidad de envíos : 396
Fecha de inscripción : 17/11/2008

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  kamakaII Jue 26 Mar 2009 - 20:27

Me encanta Laurel!

Gracias x la traduccion julia! besito
Yujuu! me empieza a gustar el foreo
Yujuu! me empieza a gustar el foreo

Cantidad de envíos : 219
Localización : Running with Jennifer around the world
Fecha de inscripción : 15/05/2008

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  jbeals Vie 27 Mar 2009 - 13:07

Laurel es mucha Laurel, es un encanto de mujer en todos los aspectos
Entérate, ya soy una usuaria conocida
Entérate, ya soy una usuaria conocida

Cantidad de envíos : 385
Fecha de inscripción : 26/09/2008

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  julia Lun 30 Mar 2009 - 17:08

3ª parte

Esto es verdad. Bien, la siguiente pregunta se la he hecho a todo el mundo con quien he hablado. Kate y Leisha dijeron que cuando interpretas un personaje mucho tiempo, te mezclas con el personaje. Cuando comenzaste a interpretar a Tina ¿le diste tu personalidad al personaje o te has convertido tu en Tina? Recuerdo una entrevista en la que dijiste que cuando interpretaste a Randy Dean, dos meses después de interpretarla todavía actuabas como aquel personaje.

LH: Si, esto es diferente. Eso me pasó en esa película, creo, porque la preparación fue demasiado intensa para una película. No quiero decir que no tengas que prepararte a conciencia para una serie de televisión, pero hay tantos elementos, se reescribe tanto para la televisión. Cada día que te pones a grabar recibes el guión reescrito, así que tienes que estar muy abierta y ser poco estricta. N la película preparas el papel muy, muy, muy duro y luego lo haces a conciencia y rápido y luego como que echas de menos el personaje del que te enamoras y el personaje se marcha. Te queda algún residuo del personaje. Y cuando estás en la TV y sigues grabando todavía por un período largo de tiempo y las tramas cambian y se desarrollan, eso es diferente. Este es mi primer compromiso de larga duración con una serie de televisión, así que no estoy segura donde comienzan y acaban las líneas. Creo que llevé mucho de mi a Tina al principio, y luego creo que hubo mucho de mi que empezó a cambiar y aporté eso a Tina también. Y había muchas cosas de Tina que quería cambiar, aunque a ellos no les gustaba. En realidad quería que fuera un poco más perra, más imprevisible.

Nunca más la chica normal y corriente.

LH: No, de ninguna manera. Ha sido difícil para mi como actriz seguir repitiendo eso y hasta en la temporada 5 hay algunos aspectos de ella que a veces son agradables y a veces no lo son. Quise adoptar esta idea porque parece que nunca debes juzgar tu personaje cuando lo estás interpretando para hacerlo realmente bien y no puedes preocuparte sobre su vanidad y capacidad para ser agradable, creo, para ser un verdadero artista. Tienes que trabajar donde te encuentres con las verdades y no preocuparte. A veces siento como que miras algo y eres como “Dios, ¿por qué esta persona siempre está con los ojos acuosos y grita en cada toma?”. Es aburrido, ¿sabes lo que quiero decir?. Porque todas las actrices pueden llorar, por supuesto, para eso estamos ahí, pero es más interesante ver a alguien contenerse o intentar no llorar cuando están a punto de hacerlo. Hay tantas maneras diferentes de interpretar las cosas que a veces es más interesante interpretar algo que es incómodo de ver. Lo que me gusta de Ilene es lo que escribe. Creo que me ayudó a crecer como actriz porque he hecho algunas cosas en The L Word que nunca he hecho en ninguna película.

Por los diferentes escenarios, y las diferentes tramas.

LH: Si, incluso en la escena final de la temporada 1, que es muy incómoda de ver, pero yo estoy muy orgullosa de haberla hecho.

Fue muy impactante

LH: Si

En este punto me hicieron una advertencia de dos minutos y Laurel me explicó que tenía que coger un vuelo esa noche, por tanto sólo tenía tiempo para algunas preguntas más-

Te preguntaron sobre la escena del tractor en el Q&A. Fue en realidad una de mis amigas, y una tibetter también.

LH: Tengo que ser honesta, no lo recuerdo muy bie, porque si no es sobre Bette y Tina, entonces la verdad es que no le presto mucha atención (risas).

Bueno, es una especie de conexión con la trama de Bette y Tina porque Bette robó aquel cartel “17 Reasons Why” y luego más tarde lo montaron.

LH: Pero fue una cosa divertida y encantadora que le hicieron a Jodi, y yo estaba como, no quiero ver esta cosa tan encantadora y divertida que ella le hace a Jodi. ¿Por qué voy a mirar esto? (se ríe otra vez).

¿Piensas, personalmente, que fue un gesto romántico?

LH. Oh, si, es romántico.

Porque yo lo encontré bastante ridículo.

LH: ¿De verdad? Creo que fue romántico. Es visual, es un show de televisión. Es algo visual para hacer en televisión.

Supongo, aunque no esté de acuerdo con eso.

LH: Bette es una artista también. Es muy atractiva para la sensibilidad de Jodi, y es inteligente.

Bien, Bette hizo este magnífico gesto para reconquistar a jodi y la conocía quizás desde hacía dos meses, pero en 7 años con Bette y Tina nunca vimos a Bette hacer algo grande por Tina, al menos lo que nos mostraron, excepto cuando le llevó flores. Entonces la pregunta es, si Bette demostrara a Tina que todavía la ama, tuviera que hacer ununa especie de gran gesto, si lo hiciera, ¿cuál sería?. Quiero decir, cuando Bette finalmente se da cuenta que Tina es el amor de su vida y quiere volver con ella.

LH: Nada, no creo que sea fácil para ninguna de ellas. Todavía no estoy segura de que Tina quiera volver tampoco. Esto no es como una raqueta de ping pong, esto no es como una se rompe y y el de otra está disponible. Tina obviamente echa de menos a Bette, pero puede comenzar a salir con otras de nuevo, por lo que puede haber más personas implicadas. No es tan simple como que Bette haga un gran gesto. Literalmente, no es sobre donde ellas están. Están en el lugar que se han ganado, tienen que hablar, tienen que tratarlo. Esto no es algo como el noviazgo o el romanticismo del principio, es la continuación de una relación, ¿escuchas lo que digo? No se están cortejando, así que no, nada de grandes gestos. Hablando de los errores que has cometido, la única cosa que esos personajes tienen que hacer ahora es hablar. Tienen que hablar sobre cómo se comportaron porque la gente no puede comportarse así y luego volver juntas y presumir que las cosas van a funcionar de nuevo.

¿Hablarán sobre esto en la temporada 5?

LH: Podrían hablar, si.

En las nuevas promos nos han mostrado que hay conversaciones muy intensas entre Bette y Tina.

LH: Si, van a haber muchas.

Entonces, cuando dijiste que podríamos estar contentas, ¿en qué sentido las tibetters podrían estar contentas?

LH: No lo sé. No sé todo lo que las tibetters quieren.

Queremos que Bette y Tina vuelvan a estar juntas

LH: Hay diferentes maneras de estar juntas.

¿De qué manera piensas que podrían estar juntas?

LH: No lo sé, hay tantas formas diferentes.

¿De qué forma nos van a mostrar?

LH: No puedo decir eso o podría ser despedida (risas).

Una pregunta más entonces. ¿Puedes describir a Tina en una frase?.

LH: Compleja.

Bueno, esa fue una palabra, y después Laurel se fue con el viento para no perder su vuelo. Me quedé sola en la sala, riendo como una idiota y reviviendo aquellos cortos instantes maravillosos con mi actriz favorita de la serie. Fue asombrosa y muy agradable. Me quedaron preguntas por hacerle, espero tener otra oportunidad en la convención L4 de Londres del año que vine.

Final de la entrevista

Cantidad de envíos : 1606
Personajes favoritos : Bette
Fecha de inscripción : 27/02/2008

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  pke Lun 30 Mar 2009 - 22:51

muchisimas gracias!!!! besito

Yujuu! me empieza a gustar el foreo
Yujuu! me empieza a gustar el foreo

Cantidad de envíos : 135
Edad : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 21/04/2008

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  kamakaII Lun 30 Mar 2009 - 23:58

gracias julia!!! besito
Yujuu! me empieza a gustar el foreo
Yujuu! me empieza a gustar el foreo

Cantidad de envíos : 219
Localización : Running with Jennifer around the world
Fecha de inscripción : 15/05/2008

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  Nirvana2 Sáb 30 Mayo 2009 - 22:24

Me parece que esta entrevista no esta publicada (1º Parte)

By BetteAndTinaForever

As you might remember, when we first posted this interview I mentioned that there were some things that Laurel said during the interview regarding season six that were a little more revealing in terms of the spoilers. At Laurel’s request, we removed it. Since the show had ended, we are reposting the complete interview that includes all the removed parts so you can read Laurel’s take on Tina and TiBette in the final season of The L Word.
B&TF: At the end of episode 512 Bette alluded to having another baby. Ilene said in her OurChart vlog that actually that particular dialogue was much longer; they cut the part about Bette saying that she might carry the baby this time. Then we heard about an adoption story. Is it to show how difficult it is for same-sex couples to adopt?

LH: Yeah, it can be hard everywhere. There are a lot of wonderful adoption agencies. The one that my husband and I used does same-sex adoptions and there’s another company that’s called “Independent Adoption Center”. Again, they do same-sex adoption. I think that in what I’ve learned about it, it’s not so much the birth parents that are against the same-sex adoptions as some of their parents. No one would be in the situation where they were putting the baby up for adoption if they didn’t have a set of harsh circumstances ahead of them. So sometimes they’re dependent on their families, their parents or are already parenting other children. Basically there is an adoption storyline and it’s a really good storyline; it deals with a lot of the issues that are really important today with gay marriage and some of the difficulties that come with that.

It was also, which was very important to me, birth-mother friendly. We tend to think that birth-mothers don’t take the time to really think about the future of the child that they’re giving birth to; which is completely not true. They are mature, they’ve thought things through. That was the one thing I said to Ilene and Rose Troche - I really would love to be and wanted to be a part of the adoption storyline as long as the birth mother was shown in the right light. They did that and it was great. I have a lot of strong opinions because I just adopted. I did a conference call with the writers and I also set them up with our lawyer who does same-sex adoptions. The attorney knows all the states’ laws, the complexities of it and the statistics, which surprised a lot of people.

B&TF: If you could change one thing about yourself what would that be?

LH: I would opt for more patience.

B&TF: If you had the power to change anything that happened to Tina on the show, what would it be?

LH: I wouldn’t change anything.

B&TF: So, no regrets?

LH: No, not a one.

B&TF: This is kind of a silly question but if Alex Owens from Flashdance was gay and she met Randy Dean, how do you think it would go? Would they be a young Bette and Tina?

LH: I don’t think Alex would be Randy Dean’s type. I just think that she’s a kid. She’s 17 and she would think that Alex was too much of an older woman (laughing). I don’t see it at all. They are so different, I just don’t see it.

B&TF: How has being on the L Word for six years changed you personally?

LH: I think in some ways it’s given me more insight into how I want to be when I work with a large group of women and how to stay above any of the craziness that can happen as well as who I want to be and how I want to treat people. I think it’s nice to have job security. It’s the longest job and the longest time I’ve ever played a character. It taught me to persevere in a different type of way.
B&TF: This question kind of goes together with the previous. Being on a show for six years, what did you learn about acting?

LH: I’ve learned that you have to refill yourself a lot and I’ve learned that on television, which is a little bit the opposite of film, you really have to take control of your character and hold tight inside for what you think they would do or not do. The reason I say that is the directors come in and out and unless it’s one of the writers or directors like Rose Troche or Angela Robinson, they don’t always know exactly what’s going on. Most of them do but you have to say, “Oh, I don’t think my character would do this because in the third season my character did this, this and this.” You have to keep holding onto the trajectory of your character.

B&TF: What did you learn about yourself?

LH: I’m more patient after having done the show. I think the whole thing for me, being on The L Word, was that I’ve learned how to not define myself by my job. During this time I became a wife and a mother. I spent a lot of time focusing on my career in my twenties and even into my early thirties; it was relaxing for me and it was a time in my life that I just needed to know that what I do is not, who I am. Who I am is this totally different person from what I do. What I do is act. I happened to be on The L Word and that’s why I don’t dwell on the past, and I don’t show up for every event, I don’t do all of that. I feel like I like to do the show and come back and tuck into the privacy of my life. That makes me a better actor because I’m done playing Tina; unless there’s a movie. And now I’ve got to find another character and that finding of another character usually works for me when I go back into my life and don’t think too much about that, to be honest. So, there’s balance and I crave the balance and I also feel that if you put yourself too far out there, then people have a preconceived idea of who you are; and I’d rather keep that a little closer to my chest because I want to play a different character.

B&TF: So, you won’t stay Tina forever for your fans.

LH: I won’t, I’m done. I don’t even have the same hair color and I don’t even dress the same way. I probably won’t play a character who even speaks the same way, you know.

B&TF: Well, for some fans you always be Tina.

LH: For so many people out there, I also will be Justine from Angel, too.

B&TF: This is true.

LH: Yeah, so it just depends. I like the shutting of the character. It feels good. In fact, I think that it was probably, at times, too long, like I probably would’ve shut is sooner (laughing).

B&TF: You mean you wouldn’t want to go to season seven?

LH: No way. I think we’ve told a lot of good stories and I’d love to do a movie. I think that would be really fun but that’s it.

B&TF: You said you don’t like to come to many events and you’ve been to pretty much all the conventions, except for L4 because of the adoption…

LH: These events are very, very, very different than the political events and those kinds of things. I don’t throw myself into every event or charity. You know, even when I raised money for Doctors without Borders, I just sort of kept it on the lowdown.

B&TF: It was posted all over the Internet and a lot of people donated to your charity.

LH: Yeah, and I was comfortable with that. It’s amazing because it was my first time doing this.

B&TF: That’s great and a worthy charity to donate. Next question, there was a rumor about some kind of project development with Fox involving you.

LH: (laughing) Where did you hear this? Where did you get this?

B&TF: The internet.

LH: A Fox show?

B&TF: You don’t know anything about it?

LH: I swear to God, I don’t. It would be fantastic if Fox wanted me for a show (laughing).
Sean Harry (who was in the room, organizing things): I read that too about Century Fox having a project with you and I was like, “Yeah, go Laurel.”

LH: I’m wide open, I have no work. I just don’t know where this stuff comes from (laughing).
Sean: You have to tell everyone that Laurel is looking for a job.

B&TF: Okay, I will put it in my report.

LH: I really want to play at weddings, too (laughing).

B&TF: You’ve been to many conventions; can we expect you to come again for L6, L7 or L15 even?

LH: Here’s the thing. I’m completely not a planner. I live from moment to moment and I have no idea where I’ll even be living next year or what I’ll be doing. My husband just got his dream job as an architect. I’m in this place where I have a 7-month old at home and I just want to go home and see what happens. There are a lot of women who haven’t come here. You know, Rose Rollins is like one of the most hysterical, wonderful people I know (laughing) and so is Pam. I think everybody’s gotten my autograph (laughing).

B&TF: Oh, I have about fifteen of them but it’s all for a good cause…money well spent for me.

LH: (laughing) Okay. We just have to wait, I don’t know. Maybe there will be one at the very, very end where the whole gang will come or something.

B&TF: I’ll be dead by then (so not joking).

LH: You’ll be dead by then? (laughing)

B&TF: Totally, I’m getting old.

LH: No, no. To be completely honest, I think people will disperse from this and go on to different projects; they have different schedules and you can already see that with some people that left earlier or who have to shorten their contracts because of new shows beginning. Janina’s busy doing things and Erin’s on a “Swingtown” and she’s developing a show right now. I know, at some point, she was asked to come back and do a web series as Dana but I think she didn’t really know how to bring her back from the dead. So she just said it wasn’t a very good thing to do (laughing).
I think the only thing that will bring it together is if there’s an L Word movie but I think it’s time to say goodbye and hope that another show comes along or there are more characters in other shows. Even if the spin-off doesn’t go, I think so many great things will happen. I think it would be just great to see all these women move back into the industry and create and do the things we want to do.

B&TF: It would be great. Now, let’s talk about Tina a little. She has changed a lot since Season 3.

LH: She did and in Season 3 Tina misbehaved a lot and she threatened to marry Henry and keep the baby. It was kind of a crappy thing to do but I like it when characters behave crappy because it’s more interesting than being nice. I was a little worried about Tina in the beginning because I thought they were going to make her super sweet.

B&TF: Yes, the one-dimensional nice girl next door.

LH: Yes, we made her edgier. Likability is not my concern (laughing).
Trátame bien, soy una forera muy activa
Trátame bien, soy una forera muy activa

Cantidad de envíos : 647
Fecha de inscripción : 19/01/2009

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Mensaje  Nirvana2 Sáb 30 Mayo 2009 - 22:29

(2º Parte)

B&TF: True. Well, back to the convention for a second. You know, before each convention, Sean puts out polls and asks us who we want to see. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been here so many times; everybody wants to see Laurel again. You’re always at the top; either first or second…next to Kate because you know everyone loves Shane.

LH: (laughing). I had no idea.

B&TF: Yeah, it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve been here, we still want to see you.

LH: I had no idea. I don’t even know. Somebody told me that on OurChart I had 42 thousand hits or something like that.

B&TF: It’s true. Tina’s thread is the biggest on OC just because the fans love you…

LH: They do? It’s so awesome (laughing).

B&TF: You have a lot of followers because Tina is one of the “most” favorite characters to many fans.
LH: I had no idea. I thought it would be Kate or Jennifer. It’s just awesome. OurChart is a great website, so is the and

B&TF: Thank you. By the way, speaking of OurChart. We know that Jennifer, Kate and Leisha sometimes contribute to its contents. Were you ever asked to be a part of it?

LH: Yes. I did an interview with Ilene Chaiken on OurChart.

B&TF: Yes, that vlog thing when you were wearing the “I see you” t-shirt.

LH: Yes. I’ve seen everybody’s been wearing that t-shirt (laughing).

B&TF: Well, when we saw that video, we researched the origins and found out about the organization and we found out it was for charity so we all decided to buy the shirts and donate to charity.

LH: Did you, guys? That’s so great.

B&TF: Yeah, we were like, “If Laurel’s behind it, it means something so we have to support it.”

LH: (laughing) Yes, it’s things like that that are totally cool. Here’s the thing. At the end of the day when the show is over I’m just Laurel, the actress. I’m just trying to focus on what’s important, and last year what was important was my adoption and I was offered the lead in a movie but I dropped out to do the adoption. I never auditioned for it. It was a straight offer. I wanted to be back working and do things like that but again, I feel like I’m in this really great place, reaching between the balance in my life and the balance of my work and I don’t want to be concerned about the work all the time. And I want to be really, really careful about what I do now. I think for woman getting older as an actor you need to have a lot of faith that there will be something there for you to do and as an artist I have to faith in that. Pam Grier is probably one of my biggest inspirations and she has the most amazing attitude. She’s one of my favorite people to work with and she’s been in the business for a really long time. She’s super savvy and she lives her life to the fullest. She’s just an inspiration to me and I just think about how I want to be when I get older and what I want to do and I just want to try to find that balance, you know?

B&TF: Thank you. Okay, now a Bette and Tina question.

LH: Bette and Tina question? No…really? (laughing)

B&TF: You know I have to ask at least one (laughing). On Ilene’s “Secret Ingredients” videos she was doing after each episode during Season 5, she mentioned that both Jennifer and you were a little nervous to do the love scenes because of the expectations of the fans and so many fans wanted their favorite couple to reunite. How was it for you to film those scenes?

LH: I wasn’t nervous. I don’t know, I think we’ve just done a lot of sex scenes and I think for me at that moment the priority was not to be repetitive or if we were going to bring something back, to do it in a really beautiful way.

B&TF: I was talking to Rose Troche about the second love scene in that episode because it was basically a mirror image of the Pilot love scene and Rose explained that it was done on purpose as a nostalgic moment for Bette and Tina.

LH: Yeah, I think whenever anything comes about Bette and Tina, they really listened to what Jennifer and I had to say because we’ve been living in the character’s skins for so long. Sometimes the writers get overwhelmed at how many characters they have, they have a lot to do and I think that if there’s something untrue…like it was something in Season 6 that reminded me of the way Tina would have behaved in Season 1 and I just said, “I don’t see myself behaving this way because I’ve spent six years creating this arch, can we change it a little bit?” And Ilene was awesome. She said, “Yeah, it’s a great idea. I think you’re right.” By the same token, it’s also good to listen to the director and a writer because you’ve got to make sure that your ego is not making that decision. You need to find that balance.
One of the issues was that my character had a moment of jealousy, which I actually really enjoyed playing, because I like playing those little mood scenes but my character handles it in a different way and then realizes that the end doesn’t bother her or what’s real. And Tina’s this character that’s super comfortable in her skin and super comfortable with who she is and being jealous would make her uncomfortable because this is a trait she doesn’t want to have. It’s an ego trait and I think what you end up seeing is that she’s not threatened at all by Elizabeth Berkley’s character because she isn’t a character she respects. I think it’s not so much about the situation but it’s about the trust that you have in your partnership.

B&TF: So basically Tina has trust in Bette now…

LH: I think it’s something that has to be explored based on Bette’s history. I can’t give you any answers because I can’t really reveal anything but I think that’s a really important thing to explore, especially partnerships when there’s been a betrayal or someone has trouble with the monogamy aspect. There’s always a character that needs lots of attention, attention through work, attention through this and then there’s a character that just needs love, and I understand that and I see that dynamic in lots of partnerships. When something comes up and Tina feels like, “God, Bette’s used to having a lot of attention and she needs it” and that’s something that frightens her but I think what she realizes is that it’s also something that she loves about her. I think that if you love your partner, you have to sort of dig deep and accept certain things. Attention is not necessarily a bad thing. I understand it because in my life I tend to need more attention than Tina did. I’m very different from her. Actors need a lot of attention (laughing).

B&TF: That’s true; I think we all need attention (laughing). So, you know that you have a lot of followers, TiBetters. How does it make you feel that Jennifer’s and your characters are the most popular couple on the show?

LH: I don’t know if it’s the most popular. I don’t know if that’s the fact but I know there are a lot of Talice fans.

B&TF: Fans even petitioned for Jennifer and you to have a spin-off.

LH: I don’t think that it would happen. It’s flattering that people would want to keep seeing us. The minute they wrote the Pilot they knew that they had a couple with a strong chemistry, they had a really strong couple that tried to have a baby and have this very strong family; and I think we kind of an anchor for the show and as a couple we are trying to be role models and we’re trying to have the fairytale, happily ever after, you know.

B&TF: You’re trying to have or you’re having it?

LH: I don’t know. I think you’re always trying. Marriage takes work. It’s not just that you showed up to be married and then it’s happily ever after. You have to work on it for the rest of your life.

B&TF: True. What does it mean personally for you to be a part of such a popular couple?

LH: You know, I just play the character and I do the work. It helps with the writing and the storylines for me to still have issues that come up with that couple. I just connect to them because I’m in the partnership and connect to how difficult it is to work on it and to also connect to the real world when you have a partner to go through life with and not be alone. It’s great to walk in those shoes as a character and then have people really respond to that or relate to that because they’re either already in a partnership or because they want that type of partnership. Again, this is flattering but I don’t wake up and think about it every day. It’s just an aspect of the character, just an aspect of who she is.

B&TF: So there are, of course, people who want Bette and Tina to be together but there are also some fans who wants to see Tina with somebody else, like Helena or Sam from Season 5…

LH: Yeah, that would be great. I wish she had dated a little more but I think it’s just more of a Laurel thing because it’s more of an aspect of my own personality but Tina is more of a relationship person or she’s more of a loner person and I think the casual dating is just not her. She could never live Shane’s life. But I have a different upbringing and they are different people. Tina is just more careful about who she connects too and when she connects; she usually starts from some sort of emotional core. I do think when she has the sex scene with Brenda, she loses herself in it and she thinks, “Wow, I can actually have physical pleasure even if I don’t want to call her the next day, it’s all right.” And I think that was a good thing for Tina to go through and it would be neat to see more of that happen. It’s not in Tina’s personality, though. I wish she had gone to a bar and just picked up a twink but she doesn’t need that attention. That’s the kind of attention that Bette needs. You know what I mean? This is the power trip of it and Tina doesn’t see it as a power trip. And then it’s also so strange to her because she doesn’t act on that type of anger, energy or the sexual power of that. She’s just not a predator.

B&TF: In Paris you mentioned that we will finally learn something about Tina’s family. Why did it take six years to bring it up?

LH: I said the same thing, why did it take so long?

B&TF: Yeah, we even have information about minor characters but not Tina.

LH: It was very frustrating to me.

B&TF: So, we are going to have some information.

LH: Yes, at the very, very end.

B&TF: Is it good?

LH: It makes sense.

B&TF: It makes sense, okay. How often do you and Jennifer improvise your scripts?

LH: Not so much between me and Jennifer but the big group scenes are very improvisational.

B&TF: Since Season 5 is your favorite season, what is your most favorite scene from that season?

LH: The Kiss…SheBar Kiss.

B&TF: Mine too. When I saw it the first time, I cried. And I cried after the second time, too because it was such a wonderful, beautiful moment. When Jennifer explained yesterday [during Q&A] that Bette’s crying wasn’t scripted and was sort of improvised by her, I thought it was just all these emotions.

LH: Jennifer is a great crier. It’s such a great scene and I really loved it because there’s a part of Tina that kind of takes care of Bette in that little moment, like it’s going to be okay.

B&TF: Kind of a nurturing moment?

LH: Yeah, when she kissed her on forehead and rubbed her hair. Jennifer and I don’t tell each other what we’re going to do before our scenes so you have a natural reaction to what happens in those scenes. I didn’t know what was going to happen and I didn’t know what it was going to look like, but I really liked the whole scene. I liked the way Tina’s kind of lonely and depressed and she doesn’t really expect Bette to kiss her at all.

B&TF: The song was perfect, by the way.

LH: This song is my all-time favorite song.

B&TF: Mine too.

LH: It’s such a beautiful song.

B&TF: Actually, when you listen to the whole song, it basically explains the whole Bette and Tina relationship in a way.

LH: It really does. As soon as heard it I was like, “Ilene, what is that song? I love it.”

B&T: They are signaling to me to finish, so I just want to confess that traveling for The L Word, interviewing the cast and writing about it has been one of the happiest times of my life. Sorry, I might cry because I’m really emotional right now.

LH: I think it’s good to be emotional. I’m a big fan of crying. When you cry you feel better.

B&TF: Unless you get puffy eyes and a big red nose, like me. Anyway, the show’s ending and for many fans it will be a sad time because we lived and breathed it for six years. What is your advice on how we can let go and basically move on after it’s over?

LH: Create more shows.

B&TF: You think there will be another show like that?

LH: Write a show, write your stories.

B&TF: Well, we do have a lot of writers on our website.

LH: I noticed that (laughing).

B&TF: Do you read anything?

LH: I just go back into my life. It’s really hard to focus on yourself that much. That’s not my nature; do you know what I’m saying? I don’t want to be on the Internet all the time, looking at what people think about the character. I have two kids, so I want to focus on somebody beside myself.
Trátame bien, soy una forera muy activa
Trátame bien, soy una forera muy activa

Cantidad de envíos : 647
Fecha de inscripción : 19/01/2009

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Mensaje  Heya Miér 23 Sep 2009 - 10:40

Entrevista de Laurel Holloman en SheWired:

He leído la entrevista por encima pero sobre todo destaco estas dos preguntas:

SW: Do you miss the show since it wrapped?

LH: Yeah, I miss the girls. But there are a lot of girls that I keep in touch with. I talk to Erin (Daniels) and Rachel (Shelley) almost every day, they both just had children - Erin had a little boy and Rachel had a little girl - and I just talked to Jennifer (Beals) a couple weeks ago. It's just like a family. I saw Kate Moennig a couple weeks ago.

I just feel like we’ll all sort of run into each other in some capacity. Because some people are closer than others and we all sort of gravitate toward each other in some way. I’d like to see a movie to be honest. I hope that the reality show goes and I hope that there’s some sort of movie afterward.

SW: Jennifer is doing Lie to Me and Kate is doing Three Rivers...

LH: I just actually read for a Three Rivers spot, but I didn't get it. I was excited because I thought, "This would be so cool to be with Kate but in a different scenario." It was the first time I realized that it’s very possible that all of us can end up in a different situation together and the sad thing is that you get out there and you realize that it’s still a very male-dominated industry and it’s still really frustration.

I really take a lot of pleasure in seeing a lot of the directors that we worked with (on The L Word) that are still working. I just ran into Jamie Babbit and I’m really tight with Angela Robinson and Alex (Kondracke) and I actually share a nanny with Angela and Alex. I realize that there will probably be other things for everybody. You have to let The L Word die down a little bit and then slowly navigate what ever comes next. I’ll be really interested in the reality show though.
Trátame bien, soy una forera muy activa
Trátame bien, soy una forera muy activa

Cantidad de envíos : 525
Edad : 40
Fecha de inscripción : 05/03/2008

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  Lu Miér 23 Sep 2009 - 13:45

gracias Kate_Shane, yo la vi anoxe y es bastante interesante... Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Icon_biggrin
Entérate, ya soy una usuaria conocida
Entérate, ya soy una usuaria conocida

Cantidad de envíos : 441
Edad : 38
Localización : Cs
Personajes favoritos : Tina
Fecha de inscripción : 04/09/2009

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  veo_visiones Miér 23 Sep 2009 - 16:09

Gracias K_S!!

Da gusto ver como las chicas se llevan genial después de terminar la serie!
Trátame bien, soy una forera muy activa
Trátame bien, soy una forera muy activa

Cantidad de envíos : 626
Localización : Alicante
Personajes favoritos : Bette, Shane y Alice
Fecha de inscripción : 25/09/2008

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  maryjoe Miér 23 Sep 2009 - 17:08

Gracias por la entrevista K_S, eso de compartir niñera une mucho. Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 369931
Forera galáctica
Forera galáctica

Cantidad de envíos : 3160
Localización : Barcelona
Fecha de inscripción : 04/08/2009

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Entrevistas a Lu. - Página 2 Empty Re: Entrevistas a Lu.

Mensaje  Anna Jue 24 Sep 2009 - 8:19

gracias K_S... es agradable saber q siguen en contacto la chikas...

q mala suerte q no haya conseguido el papel en 3R... como dijo, hubiese sido genial ver a Lu y Kate juntas en otro ambiente xDD...
Forera galáctica
Forera galáctica

Cantidad de envíos : 2645
Edad : 32
Localización : Pueblita/Tlaxcalita
Personajes favoritos : Myself
Fecha de inscripción : 23/03/2009

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